What Can You Really Expect From The G-Fit Method?

The Fitness & Wellness world can be full of confusion, short- term result and empty promises...


Here's the Truth...


Start Your Free Trial Today!


Less is More. Learn the G-Fit Method.




Change your Body and your Life. Forever.




Reach your wellness & fitness goals. Any age or stage.  All in one place.


"G-Fit is not about getting good at working out, it is about getting good at life." Gina Aliotti

Heck Yes! I Am Ready To Dive In!

Real People. Real Results.

👇🏼Check out what Our G-FIT Members are saying…👇🏼

From Katie:

I have a new found love for myself and my body. I also learned how to manage a chronic health condition I have. Thank you Gina!


Start Your Journey

If You're Wondering...🤔

How do I know if the G-FIT Method is for ME?

>> Overwhelmed by life and simply can't find enough time in your day to get it all done?
>> Do you feel burnt out by your workouts
>> Are you feeling overwhelmed and confused with where to start?
>> Do you need help gaining clarity and confidence?
>> Are you having a hard time balancing your fitness with home/work life?
>> Are you feeling alone and craving authentic REAL support?
>> Do you want a one-stop-shop for ALL your workout and nutrition needs with anytime access?
>> Would you like to know how you can get in INCREDIBLE shape without EVER stepping a foot inside of a gym?
>> Do you want DAILY support from Gina AND an entire tribe of women that welcome all ages and fitness levels?
>> Do you lack ACCOUNTABILITY and find it hard to stay on track with the day-to-day demands of life?
>> Are you a busy mom who needs a SIMPLE and REALISTIC approach to reaching your goals WITHOUT feeling like you come last?
>> Are you sick of counting calories and macros and want a plan you can follow for life?
>> DO you want to reach your body goals and still be able to enjoy pizza and wine? 

If you said YES to ANY of the above questions the G-FIT Method is the perfect fit for you! 

Learn More...

🫶🏼From The Hearts of the G-Fit Tribe ... 

G-Fit Methods Testimonial

This week I’ve gotten in most of the GFIT workouts. I love, love, love how Gina created these. I sweat & feel amazing after each session!
I spent some time this week going back through our 3 most recent mantras & watching the videos Gina shared in two of them. I looked over some recipes and am excited to try them. I am filled with gratitude! We are truly blessed to have this tribe!
Thank you to everyone who contributes to making this VIP experience AWESOME. 2018 has been life changing for me! Gina & each of you are a huge part of that! I LOVE this GFIT life! Cheers to making EVERY moment count. Y’all are pretty crazy amazing!! 

-Jennifer F | 54 yrs

Gina you are amazing! I have been working out for years, ever since Denise Austin hit the air waves 😆.  Not always staying on track, losing the weight and then gaining it all back...  Baby steps.  I have learned so much more from you inn this last year then I have ever learned from anyone else.
You are the only trainer that has gotten me off my knees to do pushups!!  And that's a big deal for me 💪🏼.  Keep doing what your doing Gina you are the best! 😀

-Alethea C | 36 yrs


Since I started with G-Fit, I have learned more about myself than any other programs I have followed online...
Regardless of which plan I follow, you are right there with me, giving encouragement and actually showing "how to's."
What really sets you above all other programs is how we all feel with you by our sides, guiding us.  We truly are all in this together regardless of age, physical ability or individual goals...Keep doing what you do, you truly are the best.

-Tanya T | 58 yrs

Let's BREAKTHROUGH all the habits and mindsets holding you back and remove the frustration out of your Fitness Game with the G-Fit LESS IS MORE approach that WORKS! 



Join Gina Aliotti and her G-Fit Tribe of Woman of 30 yrs to 70 yrs, who have stepped up their fitness & wellness simply by using the G-Fit LESS IS MORE methods that will change you from the inside out.
💐 Belong to Something Beautiful 💐
G-Fit Methods Before and After

Natasha F.

34 yrs

I don't normally post pictures of myself but today I spent alot of time looking back to see how far I have come in just 4 short months. I am so proud of myself and so happy with my results so far.

Growing up I never had an issue with my weight. I was always slim and never had to worry about what I was eating. During my 1st pregnancy I gained over 50 lbs. I lost alot of that weight afterwards but never felt 100% comfortable with myself. During my second pregnancy I gained over  30 lbs. After my second daughter I really wanted to make a change and feel beautiful again. A friend of mine told me about Gina and her programs and I thought I would give it a shot.

Being new to the whole exercising and watching what you eat thing I failed. I did well for a few weeks and then fell off the wagon. I would get back on and fall off again.

It wasn't until the new year when I joined this VIP group that I have really held myself accountable and tried my very hardest to make a change. Not for myself but for my family as well. I had no energy before and felt awful about myself and it would show. I have alot more I want to accomplish but just needed to share a bit of my experience.

Jessica S.

39 yrs

I wanted to share a little something about myself. I started training with Gina 7 yrs ago when I was competing in figure competitions. I ended up competing in 12 figure shows in a 5 year span. Although I loved every bit of it, it put a toll on my body and mind. After I finished competing I was still convinced that I had to do hours of cardio and workout hard everyday to stay fit.

Well I was WRONG, more is NOT always better.

I would workout hard, get injured, have surgery (on a few occasions 👎 and have to take months off. It was a vicious cycle that repeated itself over and over! It took me a while to realize that I didn't have to spend hours a day overworking myself in order to get in a good workout and see results. Following Gina and all her plans has helped me tremendously over the years. She is spot on when she says being consistent is what will help you reach your goals. These challenges are awesome! I would highly recommend her plans if you don't already have them. The UAP circuit workouts and these daily challenges are a great combination!

 Amy L.

43 yrs

It has been a great week for me in spirit.  My mood has been great.   I am just HAPPY! .  Despite all of my challenges with my new position, I find myself remaining positive and taking it one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time.  This is huge for me!

The main difference right now, is I feel like I am in more control of how I let things affect me, things that I have NO control over. I find myself saying, “It is what it is.  What can I do to make it better for me at this moment?  What can I control?”  Instead of letting it consume me, harping on the negative I can’t control, I am starting to “flip that script”  a tad bit more than in the past.

Your words always give me so much to reflect on, so much perspective, so much reaching into my soul.

I can feel it in so many areas how much more free and lighter I feel (not on the scale), but mentally and emotionally. 

The G-FIT Method was created for woman just like you and me!

Your FULL Online Training and Nutrition Program ALL in ONE place. 

From Building Your Own Workouts, VIP Membership, 1-on-1 Mentorship to weekly workouts laid out for you -- You Can Choose What Works Best For You! 

Stop relying on Google where you will only get conflicting answers...
❓What is the proper form for...
❓What is the best diet for...
❓What's the best cardio for weight loss
❓How to keep to my fitness goals and plans once I hit a plateau
❓Best workouts for woman over 40
❓Top lower body workouts for women with knee problems
And... the list goes on.

Access all the answers and get all the tools you want to get REAL results that will LAST. Know EXACTLY what to eat, EXACTLY how to do each exercise properly and have tons of support to keep you showing up.  


Start working out for RESULTS not Time.


I cannot wait to show you how to implement the G-Fit less is more method for long term success! 

I am Ready To Join Something Beautiful